Boil of Gas Booster Compressor was awarded by Petronet LNG Ltd, Kochi for recovering the Boil of Gas which comes out from the LNG tanks/ system. The project had to be built in a LNG processing plant which was operational.
The project was awarded to us covering the scope of Engineering the entire Gas Compression Plant to construction and commissioning along with hooking up with their LNG plant. The major equipment was 4 stage, 92 Bar, Reciprocating compressor confirms to API 618 coupled with 1.8 MW motor along with complete electrical and instrumentation system.
Compressor Supplier
Dresser Rand, India
The toughest challenge was building the whole compressor station on a reclaimed land and the project also very close to the operating process plant where extra safety measures were required. The project was to build the compressor house and the main compressor foundation with large piling work. The other challenge was to curtail the budget to a restricted number in spite of having additional scope. BOG being a very low temperature gas many piping had to be LTCS to meet the temperature criteria. The project was completed successfully with zero incident / accident.